Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another school year begins

The September rains and winds have been crushing, the heat sweltering, the electricity totally unpredictable, and the overall infrastructural progress crawling along at best. Tens of thousands of children and families are still living in temporary "internally-displaced people" (IDP) camps, despite efforts to change this. This October, however, holds a glimmer a hopeful light at the end of a long summer as schools slowly begin to reopen.

In the community of Silo Bas Pluie Blain, on the outskirts of Port au Prince, there are only 5 primary schools serving a total capacity of not even 600 children whereas the need comes closer to 45,000. The schools are private and, for many families, they are prohibitive due to cost.

AMURT continues to focus on child protection and education as one of its core missions. In the upcoming months, we are transitioning from the immediate disaster response of Child-Friendly Spaces to sustainable programs that will prepare children, youth and mothers to improve their overall well-being. Morning kindergartens, afternoon enrichment activities, youth leadership trainings and women's support groups will be our 4 areas of program.

More regular updates to come! Promise. ;-)

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